The Kingdom-Oriented Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Join Alpha X, where purpose-driven entrepreneurs come together. Experience education, inspiration, and impactful connections that drive success in business and contribute to Kingdom causes. 

Request Your Invite

To ensure an intimate and focused gathering, the Kick-Off Event is invite-only. Request your invite now to be a part of this transformative experience. Please provide your information below, and we will review your application for consideration.

Our Mission

The ecosystem for Kingdom-oriented entrepreneurs, advisors, investors and charitable groups has traditionally been very fragmented. Most businesses are normally preoccupied with survival and development before they consider kingdom-giving. Alpha X seeks to develop a more unified marketplace of Christian businesses in order to enhance results for Christian entrepreneurs and, as a result, see more resources flow to Kingdom goals. Each year, we’ll host a handful of events where key players can come together and network while also receiving valuable informational and motivational content.

About Alpha X

Alpha X is more than just another business event; it is a community of purpose-driven individuals who share a vision of transforming the world through entrepreneurial success and Kingdom giving. We believe that entrepreneurs, when equipped with the right resources, education, and connections, can make an even greater impact on society and support Kingdom causes.

What to Expect?


Gain valuable insights from successful Kingdom-oriented entrepreneurs who have made a difference in their fields.


Connect with like-minded individuals, build lasting relationships, and find support within a community that shares your passion for both business and philanthropy.


Get inspired by powerful stories of entrepreneurs who have used their success to bless others and create positive change in the world.

Impactful Connections

Engage with influential advisors, investors, and charitable groups who are dedicated to empowering Kingdom-driven businesses and initiatives.

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Unity Fund

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